NZIFSA Test & Competition Registration and Renewal

If you are planning to sit any tests or compete in any NZIFSA Adult grades (Bronze & up) at any competitions this year, you will need to complete your NZIFSA Test and Competition (TC) registration for the year. You do not need to TC register if you are skating Zinc, Copper, & Pewter Grades, Creative Performance &/or Synch Skills at our Club champs.

The TC Registration is an annual registration and must be renewed each year you want to compete or sit any tests. The registration covers from 1 January to 31 March the following year. You need to be a financial Club member before you can TC Register each year.

First time TC Registration  

Please complete the NZIFSA TC Registration Form and email the form to Jeanette King, our Test and Competition Secretary,  or hand to Linda or Jeanette at rink. Please note first time registrations must be accompanied by proof of identity (copy of passport or birth certificate). Please make payment as per the instructions below.

TC Registration Renewal

If you have previously been TC Registered you can download a copy of your own pre-populated TC registration form from the myNZIFSA section in the Members' Area of the NZIFSA website You will need to log-in to access this section of the website. If you have forgotten your password, click the “lost password?” option on the right hand side of the member area and enter your email address to initiate a password reminder.

If you need to update your contact details or coach details, you can do this in the green My Details section on the right. If the details are all correct, click on the link called Pre-printed form the pink box labelled My TC Number.

A pdf file will open pre-populated with the skater's details. Recheck that this is correct and make any changes as necessary, then sign and email form to Jeanette King, Test and Competition Secretary, or hand to Linda or Jeanette at rink. Please make payment as per the instructions below.

Payment Instructions

The TC/Reg Fee is $90 per year. Please make payment by Direct Credit to CMFSC BNZ account No. 02 1235 0018998 00. Enter your name and TC Reg in the Reference and email to confirm what your payment is for.

Test & Competitition Registration